Japanese manufacturer Sony has launched its most awaited Android flagship, Xperia Z in India. According to the company’s official Facebook page, which earlier said, “Everything is about to change,” the high-spec device indeed is targeted for others to momentarily forget the Smartphone maker’s downfall in this segment.
Xperia Z has a TFT display that supports 1920x1080p resolution and boasts of 441ppi pixel density. It runs on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. The manufacturer has used a quad-core 1.5GHz Krait processor and 2GB RAM in this Smartphone and the device packs 16GB onboard storage and 32GB microSD card support.
How the Smartphone will fare in the high end segment of the market is yet to be seen as its toughest competitor – Samsung Galaxy S IV is yet to step into the arena and steal all the focus; until then sony has its opportunity to wow and woo its buyers.
Got to watch out for galaxy S IV.comes with octacore & 12MP.They need to get their pricing right, they will flood the markets with aggressive ad campaign.WIth EMI schemes available, Apple needs to be vigilant.