Micromax is again all over the news, with the launch of its new Canvas 2 Plus A110Q, this time adding another Smartphone to its Canvas series in India. The device was unveiled on Wednesday, with a price tag of 12,100.
Coming to the specs, Micromax has housed a MediaTek Quad core processor clocked at 1.2 GHz along with 1GB of RAM. Flaunting with its 5 inch IPS display that offers visuals in 480 x 854p resolution, the device runs Android’s Jelly Bean 4.2 OS. There is an 8MP front camera with dual LED flash and a front-mounted webcam of 2MP.
The Smartphone has an internal storage capacity of 4GB which can be expanded up to 32GB and packs a 2000 mAh battery.
Just a few days ago, the company launched another Canvas series Smartphone called Music A88 with free JBL Tempo headset. Prior to this we’ve even heard of the media leaking specifications of Canvas series A-120 and even the launch of Canvas 3D A115.
With frequent new releases, Micromax is showing its way ahead of Samsung and Nokia in India reports Telecom Tiger.
what a phone good touch support nfs amd most advanced is 3D dispay with naked eye this phone works more than samsung grand is sligth good to lg optimus 3d good camera ,low volume.and worthable for this price but ram is disappointing . others all exelent performamce,
this is th best in class phone.but the prob is the UI and customization options are very few.
ReplyDeletetherefore i am looking for a custom rom so that i may expand my wings.
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